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[Dongseo University] Broadcasting and Media Studies Students Build on Educational Strength by Sweeping Competitions

조회 1,113

2021-08-13 00:00

Broadcasting and Media Studies Students Build on Educational Strength by Sweeping Competitions

Kim Song-eun, a freshman in the Department of Broadcasting and Media Studies, won the Grand Prize in the 2021 Gyeongsangbuk-do Disaster Prevention Video Contest.

Hosted by the Maeil Ilbo and Maeil TV, the contest is designed to prevent accidents and raise safety awareness. Kim’s winning video entry, for which he also received a cash prize of 3 million one, was titled ‘Goodbye to Electric Shock Accidents.’

In addition to Kim’s success, Department of Broadcasting and Media Studies junior Lee Hye-yeong won the Excellence Award in the 100 Night Tour UCC Contest hosted by the Korea Tourism Organization; sophomore Seo Yeong-ju won the Grand Prize in the 2021 Reading Asian Classics Competition hosted by the DSU Minseok College of Liberal Education; and sophomore Jo Yu-na won the Excellence Prize in the DSU Global English Program English Presentation Contest.

As well as the students’ talent and hard work, also playing a role in their success has been university’s ‘In-School Field System’ based on ’Media Outlet’ (Virtual Media Co., Ltd.), through which DSU provides students with practical training in all elements and roles of video production, such as PD, writer, filming, and editing. In particular, the Department of Broadcasting and Media Studies uses its own OTT service ‘Moca TV,’ through which 150 pieces of video content annually are produced under the guidance of field-trained faculty with extensive the- oretical and practical skills, and then sent worldwide.

As a result of this innovative educational system, in two consecutive industry-wide university evaluations provided by the Korean Council for University Education under the Ministry of Education in 2015 and 2019, the department was selected as the best in the media field.