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[Dongseo University] Former Korean Ambassador to Australia, Woo Gyeong-ha, Becomes Visiting Professor at International College

조회 925

2021-03-15 00:00

Former Korean Ambassador to Australia, Woo Gyeong-ha, Becomes Visiting Professor at International College
Dongseo University Inter- national College invited former Australian Ambassador Woo Gyeong-ha to be a visiting professor from the first semester of 2021. Professor Woo will teach Asian content seminars and global leadership in business administration.

Students are expected to reach a new level of learning opportunities as Professor Woo, an expert in international trade and economic diplomacy, vividly conveys his various experiences and expertise gained in the fierce diplomatic field for 35 years. Through his teaching of international economic and trade organization agreements, negotiations, international political implications, and case studies, students’ abilities to analyze and accurately predict the global business environment will be greatly developed.

Professor Woo, who began his career as a vocational diplomat in 1986 through the 20th Foreign Affairs Examination, has served at the United States Embassy, Senegal Embassy, and Saudi Arabian Embassy, and as a Geneva and OECD Representative. In Korea, he has served as a former secretary to the President at the Blue House, regional commerce director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and as director of operations of the G20 Seoul 2010 Summit. He has worked as an ambassador for international relations in Busan for the past three years, and is widely recognized as having a deep understanding of regional trends.