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Dongseo university Advertising & PR Students Selected to Attend World's Largest Electronics and IT Exhibition

조회 1,147

2018-12-17 00:00

Nam Taek-gwang, a junior DSU student majoring in Advertising & PR, has been honoured with an invitation to attend the 2019 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), to be held in Las Vegas in the United States from January 8 to January 11,2019. The CES is the worlds largest electronics and IT product exhibition.

Sponsored by the Korean Association for Broadcasting & Telecommunication Studies (KABS) and GS Home Shopping, the invitation includes round-trip airfare, accommodation and hotel expenses, and full-program admission fees. In total, 18 juniors, seniors, and graduate students studying media and communication-related subjects nationwide were selected to be invited based on their academic performances, English abilities, and activities in and contributions to their majors.

During the CES, Samsung Electronics and other global electronics and IT giants will be launching new products and technologies to compete for dominance in the global marketplace. These launches and related exhibitions will cover numerous high-end products in the fields of audio, drones, gaming, VR, video, wireless devices, smart homes, sensors, automobiles, automotive technology, and advanced fitness and wearable appliances. In addition, more than 300 conference sessions will be held regarding future industry developments and new products and technologies, and more than 170,000 attendees from 150 countries are anticipated.

Here are a few words from Nam Taek gwang on his motivations and feelings as he prepares to attend the 2019 CES: Advertising is one of the most neglected aspects of everyday life, and one of the things people are the most indifferent to. But despite this indifference, people may be surprised to learn of the wealth of shooting techniques and strategies using advanced technology involved.

I came to learn this myself during the discussions in our majors on-campus research meetings. This inspired me to research high technology events. In so doing, I became aware of CES, and in October I learned that KABS and GS Home Shopping were offering sponsorships.

Since I had already been studying English regularly and had gathered the works I have produced at DSU into my portfolio, I started to work on my introduction letter and prepared materials. Later, I was delighted to learn and very grateful to be able to say I was successful, being selected to be one of the 18 members of the CES 2019 observer team.