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[Dongseo University] DSU LINC 3.0 Project Group Signs Cooperation and Development Agreement with SKonec Entertainment and YouCanStar

조회 632

2022-10-26 10:37

In a ceremony held on October 21, Hwang Gi-hyeon, Chairperson of the DSU LINC 3.0 Project Group; Hwang Dae-shil, CEO of SKonec Entertainment; and Choi Dae-gil, CEO of YouCanStar, signed an industry-academic cooperation and business development agreement with the aim of nurturing
experts who will lead the virtual reality (VR) industry SKonec Entertainment was listed on KOSDAQ as the largest VR company in Korea as of 2022,
and is the only one that possesses the ‘Large Space Working XR System’ technology, which allows multiple people to participate in VR content.
Meanwhile, YouCanStar is Busan’s representative VR company, which operates a number of games, projects, and services. Its game The Door was
awarded the ‘Best Game of the Month’ award by the Korea Creative Content Agency in late-2018, and the company is well-recognized as a global VR game maker. In cooperation with SKonec Entertainment and YouCanStar, DSU’s LINC 3.0 Project Group operates training courses for nurturing human
resources for Walking VR production, with its curriculum expected to contribute to nurturing future talents related to XR contents. Through this
agreement, each institution has decided to cooperate to nurture professional talents strong in the tradition, history, and practice of DSU’s Game
Department. In particular, through the LINC 3.0 Project Group, the agreement will: promote industry-university cooperation joint projects for mutual
development; jointly-develop educational programs for nurturing game industry experts; and utilize and exchange human and material resources.
Also involved is DSU’s IFS3.0 Corporate Track, a representative package that includes curriculum organization and operation jointly with companies to
nurture talent tailored to the needs of industry, job linking including field training, and project classes to solve corporate difficulties