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[Dongseo university] Dongseo Reselected for IPP Work-Study Parallel Project

조회 533

2022-10-31 13:12

Dongseo Reselected for IPP Work-Study Parallel Project
On October 27, it was announced that DSU would be reselected for the “IPP-Type Work-Study Parallel Project” hosted by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Human Resources Development Service of Korea, which will operate from March 2023 until February 2028.
Dongseo University’s current IPP-Type WorkStudy Parallel Project will expire in February 2023, and, in recognition of the excellence of the business operation of the project over the previous 5 years, this renewal will bring a total of approximately 2 billion Korean won in funding in the coming 5-year period.
More specifically, the reselection of this project was made through quantitative and qualitative evaluations, such as the results of performance evaluations over the past 3 years, the school’s will to carry out the project, and the excellence of industry-educational exchanges. Under the goal of establishing a youth employment process through the establishment of a cooperative business-student-university ecosystem, over the 5 years of the current round of the project DSU has completed 554 long-term field training sessions and 138 workstudy sessions.
In addition, it will continue to strive to build various types of industry academic cooperation infrastructure, such as ‘tweezers-type’ solutions and consulting specifically tailored to the corporate needs of leading companies. Song Kang, DSU Director of the IPP-Type Work-Study Parallel Project, said of the announcement, “I would like to express my deep gratitude to those involved in the on-campus and off-campus projects who have worked hard to materialize DSU’s unique industrialeducational cooperation and field-connected education for the past 5 years. For the following five years, we will continue to do our best to improve the quality of work-study parallelism and establish an excellent model for industry-university cooperation.”