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[Dongseo University] Crossing the Sea in Search of Young Talent

조회 527

2022-04-28 17:03

For 2 days from Wednesday April 27 to Thursday April 28, DSU held the first ‘Jeju Area BIG 5 Hotel & Resort Job Fair.’ Among the large representative companies of Jeju Island participating were CJ Logistics, Club Nine Bridges, SK Pinx, Landing Jeju Development Co., Ltd., Lotte Hotel, Lotte Resort, and Hotel Shilla Jeju.
On the first day, recruitment briefing sessions were held at the main DSU (Naengjeong) and Centum (Haeundae) campuses, and on the following day on-site interviews were conducted in the former’s Student Plaza. About 40 field trainees in 12 job areas were selected as a result, from among whom excellent trainees will become regular employees after their internships.
It is unprecedented for Jeju Island hotel, resort, leisure, and tourism companies to plan events together and visit universities to recruit students.
However, DSU was selected as a recipient of this development through the building on of its previous conducting of business negotiations and IPP
long-term field training with Club Nine Bridges, Landing Jeju Development Co., Ltd., and Hotel Shilla Jeju through DSU D-Partners in 2021. As a result of those too, students were hired, and subsequently excellent trainees hired as regular employees. This success is partially what attracted the
additional companies that joined this year’s event.
Due to the charm of Jeju Island, and the participation of such large corporations in their fields, interest in and enthusiasm for participating in the
recruitment briefings and on-site interviews was very high. In order to prepare the students who applied for the job fair in advance, they received a
special lecture on how to write a self-introduction as well as one-to-one personal resume consulting at the University Job Center of DSU, so that they
could systematically prepare for their on-site interviews. The final students selected through the fierce competition will participate in either two
months of field training from July to August, or six months between July and December, and in each case will receive a monthly field training fee of
two million won and have dormitory accommodation, meals, and other assorted expenses provided for.
In the future, DSU is planning to further actively utilize the network of HR practitioners by industry, centering on IPP-type work-study parallel project field-training companies and DPartners businesses. Furthermore, by holding such job fairs differentiated by industry field and job type, job-recruitment mismatches will be minimized, allowing for the expansion of effective industry-academic cooperation for customized talent cultivation.