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[Dongseo University] Opening Ceremony Held for Creative Life Coding Exhibition

조회 485

2022-04-19 16:17

On Wednesday April 13, the DSU SW Centered University Project Group held the opening ceremony for the ‘Creative Life Coding Exhibition’
on the 3rd floor of the Student Plaza. In attendance were: Professors Park Seongmi, Dean of the Minseok College of Liberal Education;
Moon Mi-kyung and Kim Donghyeon, Director and Vice-director of the SW Centered University Project; Song Jonggeun, in charge of Creative Life
Coding; as well as professors and students engaged in the Creative Life Coding 1 and 2 courses.
For the Creative Life Coding Exhibition, 40 works among the 1,200 entries were selected for the Best and Excellence awards, and were exhibited along with their counterparts from the contests held in 2020 and 2021. The annual contest is open to all students taking Creative Life Coding 1 and 2
courses, which focus on positive selfchange, competency development, and discovery of best self-practices through coding education, to which more than 300 students apply every semester. The particular aim of the exhibition was to further promote the Creative Life courses to new and current
students of DSU, as well as to resolve misunderstandings about the burdens of coding education.
The exhibition ran until Friday April 22. Professor Song Jong-geun of the Software Convergence College, who organized the exhibition, said, “By reading the winning entries of the Creative Life Coding Exhibition, students who are not majoring in SW can also be given an introduction to SW
education every year. I feel grateful to the students for expressing various opinions about what they have learned and felt and insights into how to
improve the courses, and I will do my best to continue to increase learning satisfaction through such student-centered communication and customized education.”