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[Dongseo university] SAP Global Students Participate in UN Competition

조회 468

2022-05-04 10:32

In the first semester of 2022, 10 students from Q College were sent to Saint Mary’s University (StMU) in the United States through
DSU’s SAP Global program. Saint Mary’s University is a DSU sister university in the United States located in San Antonio, Texas, with the
dispatched students receiving scholarships from DSU that completely covered the costs of local tuition, dormitory accommodation, food, and airfare.
SAP Global is a project-based class program conducted in DSU’s various sister universities in major overseas cities as part of DSU’s Koreanstyle Minerva education system. Through this program, participating students can earn credits abroad whilst improving their ability to implement projects. They
do so by not only engaging in the Intensive English program, but also the UN Project conducted exclusively for DSU students through the Global
Communications Department.

Under the guidance of Professor Lim Seong-bae of StMU, Director of the UN Project, the 10 DSU students were taught under the theme
of 'How to Change the World by Supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030,' which covered topics ranging from the metaverse,
big data, artificial intelligence, and blockchains, all rapidly emerging technologies related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution. As such, it is a
project that continuously teaches not only about these specific topics but also innovation strategies more broadly, including 'sustainable development,' 'design thinking,’ 'co-creation,' and 'digital convergence,' with the goal of working towards a final presentation at a UN competition.

For this competition, students prepared assignments and presentations under 17 various topics under the umbrella theme of 'Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs)' selected by the United Nations. Through an internal selection process, during which professors from three universities in
Korea and the United States participated as judges via Zoom, five of the ten participating students were selected to go on to the next round to deliver presentations to UN officials directly. The five successful students and their topics were
Through this competition, students were able to understand the basic concepts of SDGs and recognize their importance, and, furthermore, they had
the opportunity to present their ideas in English and receive constructive feedback they could utilize in the future to achieve their goals.
The UN project and ultimate competition was conducted under 1:1 coaching and guidance with Professor Lim and professors affiliated with Q College, and included special lectures by Dr. Jeong Jun-gon of the Eurasia Foundation and by Omar Hernandez, public affairs officer of the United Nations Academic Impact Department of the United Nations. Mr. Felipe Queipo, the general manager of the UN Global Communications Department, who reviewed the project presentations, said of the students, “It was a really impressive effort. The students were able to fully empathize with the concerns and efforts to change the world for the better. Students may be frustrated in implementing these projects, but we realize they will continue to be patient and work hard. All five students gave really good presentations.” Regarding this UN project, DSU Q College Dean Kwak Jun-sik said, “While working on the SDGs theme with the UN, all involved gained the valuable experience of thinking about sustainable development, the greatest common goal of the international community, and suggesting solutions.” Professor Lim, who oversaw the project locally, said, “I am proud of all 10 students who did their best, and I hope that this successful event with the United Nations will serve as a turning point for students to grow into future leaders who change the world beautifully.”
Dongseo University President Jekuk Chang added, “I would like to express my deep gratitude to the students who successfully completed their self-directed project abroad for one semester, and for the passionate guidance of their professors. I look forward to many more students continuing to have the opportunity to transform into global talents through our conducting of these many diverse project-based classes.”