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[Dongseo university] Department of Nursing Students and Professors Volunteer in Cambodia

조회 389

2022-09-01 17:15

Department of Nursing Students and Professors Volunteer in Cambodia
Over the summer vacation, Department of Nursing students, along with professors Park Jeong-ha and Lee Yun-bok, participated in various Phnom Penh Overseas Volunteer Group activities in Cambodia for six days from July 25 to 30.
Hosted by the Busan Nurses Association, the DSU contingent was also joined there by professors and nursing students from Busan Women’s College and Pusan National University. Professor Park led the students in conducting CPR and health education for local residents and health care personnel at Hosanna School and Zeng Aek Health Center in Phnom Penh, while Professor Lee additionally served as a local researcher for the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and the Association for International Development Cooperation (KAIDEC), also in Phnom Penh.
Later, the two professors presented the results of the local volunteer activities in Cambodia at the KOICA public-private partnership incubation program under the theme of “Improving Emergency Response Capabilities in the Phnom Penh Region.” Both regularly participate in various overseas local volunteer groups, and will continue to provide education related to BLS (a basic CPR course) and KALS-DSU (a specialized CPR course at DSU) for nursing students and local medical personnel.