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[Dongseo university] International Student Wins at Shark Tank of Wellness Global Competition

조회 889

2021-12-13 00:00

International Student Wins at Shark Tank of Wellness Global Competition
Doan Anh Duong, a senior Vietnamese student majoring in business administration at DSU International College, took third place overall and won $2,500 in prize money in the 2021 Shark Tank of Wellness Student Global Competition, an international student idea and
innovation competition held in Boston on December 3.

Shark Tank of Wellness is annually held by Global Wellness Summit, the foremost gathering of international leaders in the multibillion-dollar global wellness economy. Students from all over the world compete with their innovative ideas, and entries are judged on their viability. They can serve any aspect of the wellness industry, including architecture/design, beauty, education, fitness, hospitality, medicine, nutrition, real estate, spa, technology, workplace wellness, and tourism.

Doan Anh Duong, who advanced to the finals through fierce preliminaries, gave a presentation about her idea named "Immersion Lamp," which seeks to bring transformative multimedia experiences, including sound, aroma, and visuals, to help transport users to spaces of wellness, and took the third place overall.

Her idea originated from participating in the Workplace Wellness Research Society at DSU International College. Professor Daniel essler, who leads the research society, introduced the Shark Tank of Wellness Competition to the group members, so they can understand the business end of the wellness industry. He said, “Duong took to business idea competition very seriously and met me several times to expound upon and develop her product idea. It was such an amazing learning experience for her. Originally, she should have attended the finals with the support of full airfare and stay expenses, but regretfully she had to participate online due to the spread of

Duong said, "Having the opportunity to enter the competition is the most precious experience that I have ever had in my two years in Korea. First, I want to thank Professor Kessler for introducing this competition to me. Then I also want to thank members of the Workplace Research Society for their feedback, comments, and support to make me feel more confident.
Workplace Wellness Society is a place where you can learn and play at the same time. I am really happy that I can be a part of this group."

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