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[Dongseo University] SW Centered University Business Group Signs Agreement With E-Tech System Co., Ltd. to Operate Amazon Web Service Specialist Course

조회 1,055

2021-09-06 00:00

SW Centered University Business Group Signs Agreement With E-Tech System Co.,
Ltd. to Operate Amazon Web Service Specialist Course

On 27 August, 2021, it was announced that the DSU SW Centered University Business Group had
signed an agreement with E-Tech System Co., Ltd. for the purposes of providing Amazon Web Services (AWS) specialist course education and industry-academic cooperation in AWS cloud and AI fields.

In attendance at the signing ceremony, held in the AI+X Research Center in the DSU UIT Building, were DSU SW Centered University Business Group Director Moon Mi-kyeong, Senior Professor Park Seung-min of the Department of Software, E-Tech System Co., Ltd. Managing Director Kim Jun-seong, AWS Korea Partner Development Manager Lim Yeong-in, and related officials.

AWS has been recognized as the world’s most comprehensive and widely adopted cloud service for over 15 years, with E-Tech System utilizing its technology to provide cloud service solutions and technical support to numerous domestic public institutions and businesses. The AWS Specialist course, which is operated through this agreement, is an industry-specific customized program in which students participating in the SW Centered University Business Group, in turn centered on the DSU Department of Software, receive in-depth education in the cloud and AI fields at DSU, then perform long-term internships at E-Tech Systems and AWS partners. In addition, by acquiring AWS certification international certification, participants gain further benefits when working with e-Tech Systems and AWS partners.

“With this agreement, DSU students will be able to gain strengthened employment capabilities through learning of the best practical AWS-based cloud and AI-related knowledge,” said Director Moon. “We expect great results from the training, and we will provide comprehensive educational cooperation and employment support.”