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[Dongseo University] Dongseo K-Move School Offers Largest University Overseas Employment Training Program in Korea

조회 1,022

2021-03-04 00:00

Dongseo K-Move School Offers Largest University Overseas Employment Training Program in Korea

This semester, the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Korea Human Resources Development
Service of Korea have announced that in light of the continuing outstanding success of DSU’s operation of the K-Move School so far, it will once again be the only university among four-year academic institutions nationwide that will offer the maximum of six courses in the “2021 Overseas Employment Training Project K-Move School.”

The largest overseas job training program among four-year universities in the country, the K-Move School for senior students is a customized training program for overseas employment, with the aim of supporting young people with passion and potential in being placed in successful employment positions overseas.

The six courses offered by the K-Move School this year are Graphic Design, IT Engineering, Specialist U.S. Fashion Design, U.S. Trade Logistics Frontier Training, Japanese IT Engineering, and Vietnamese Professional Management Support Training In total, 95 places among the 6 courses will be open to DSU seniors.

In April, the DSU Student Employment Office will hold a briefing session. Once selected, participating students will receive intensive language and job-specific training, before leaving to be placed in jobs in companies in the countries of their respective training courses for eight months from July 2021. Participating students will also receive many additional benefits from DSU, including having all their Korean and overseas educational expenses, textbooks, and exam fees provided for, as well as assistance with visa-processing fees.

The K-Move School is well recognized as a systematic overseas employment path for students, and for the opportunities it provides students in obtaining practical skills. As a result of DSU’s efforts in ensuring the success of the school, it received the Prime Minister’s Award in 2016, as well as the 2019 Youth Dream Best Practice Award from the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Dong-A Ilbo. In addition, from 2017 to 2019 it received the splendid achievement of receiving an ‘A’ grade for three consecutive years in the Overseas Employment Training Courses and Operating Institution Evaluation conducted by the Korea Human Resources Development Service.

Through programs such as this, DSU has established an overseas employment roadmap to provide systematic education and encourage overseas employment for seniors, and successfully places an average of over 100 in overseas employment positions every year. In reaction to this latest news, Song Gang-yeong, Head of the DSU Student Employment Office, said, “We will continue to support students for successful overseas employment and future development, along with realizing our university's goal of cultivating global talent.”