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[Dongseo University] Mutual Cooperation Agreement Signed with Busan Bar Association and Artificial Intelligence Mobile Forensic Research Institute

조회 899

2021-04-15 00:00

Mutual Cooperation Agreement Signed with Busan Bar Association and Artificial Intelligence Mobile Forensic Research Institute

In a ceremony held on April 14 in the Global Room of DSU, DSU President Jekuk Chang and Busan Bar Association Chairperson Hwang Ju-hwan signed an industry-academic agreement to organically cooperate and promote mutual development in mobile forensics-related tasks. Also in atten- dance were Head of Research at the DSU Artificial Intelligence Mobile Forensic Research Institute (DSUAIMFL), Moon Mi-kyung; Director of Planning and Research, Jo Dae-su; Director of the DSU Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation, Jeong Deo-woon; Head of the Department of Information Security, Professor Hoon-Jae Lee; DSUAIMFL Director, Kim Yong-ho; Busan Regional Bar Association International Executive Director Jwae Jae-won; and Special Assistant to the Chairperson, Attorney Kim Seong-jin.

The DSUAIMFL provides the world's best mobile forensic solutions for the MD Series (MD-NEXT, MD-RED, MD-LIVE), which, due to its high reliability, is being widely used by various public institutions and domestic investigative agencies, including the National Police Agency and Prosecutors' Office. Through this agreement, an exchange of resources was negotiated, with the DSUAIMFL supporting legal appraisals as well as business through such means as providing analysis of digital evidence related to civil and criminal cases in Busan, with the Busan Bar Association recruing human resources suitable for field work.

“Dongseo University not only specializes in the IT and AI-related fields, but has also has a research institute affiliated with the SoftwareCentered University Project Group, which receives a lot of support from the government. The new area of digital forensic work made possible through this agreement will be a real strength” Chairperson Hwang said, adding “Previously, there was no place in the Busan area to request digital forensics, so it will be a great help now that legal appraisals can be made quickly and accurately through this agreement.”