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[Dongseo University] Dongseo Students Participate in Silicon Valley Software Technology & Innovation Winter Program

조회 945

2021-03-24 00:00

Dongseo Students Participate in Silicon Valley Software Technology & Innovation Winter Program
From January 25 to February 19, 2021, The DSU SW Centered University Project Group supported the participation of five students in an online overseas educa- tion project held by San Jose State University. Part of the Silicon Valley Software Technology & Innovation Winter Program (SVSTIP), the theme of the project was “Bringing Educational & Professional Experiences Together in Silicon Valley.”

Through the SVSTIP, participating students not only took English lectures through San Jose State University, a world-renowned university in the field of IT, but also directly and indirectly learned about and experienced the industry, corporate culture, and technology trends of Silicon Valley. Through various cooperative subprojects under the mentoring of IT experts, they were able to cultivate their skills in SW development and mutual cooperation capabilities.

All five students not only successfully completed the project’s four weeks of education provided, but in particular were unexpectedly awarded the Entrepreneurship Award Grand Prize for their achievements. One participating student said, “It was nice to be able to experience and practice new things that were not covered in my major class. Also, attending was the SVSTIP was additionally beneficial because I was able to gain a lot of knowledge about business start-ups and management in the IT field.”