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[Dongseo University] 'Barrier-Free Mask' Produced for the Disabled

조회 1,191

2020-09-25 00:00

On 22 September, 2020, the DSU LINC + Project Group Regional Collaboration Center announced that it had held a ‘Work-Related Meeting for the Production of Consumer-Oriented Barrier-Free Cultural Products’ with disabled citizens at the Busan City Citizen Media Center.

The meeting was attended by 10 people, including DSU Regional Collaboration Center Head Kim Hyeong-woo, 3 Busan Metropolitan City Council officials with various hearing and other physical disabilities, a sign-language interpreter, Professor Yang Seong-won and students of the DSU College of Fashion Design, and students from the Center.

At the meeting, it was demonstrated that the necessary widespread adoption of mask-wearing has created a problem for the hearing-impaired, who rely on lip-reading. Consequently, participants resolved to examine the possibilities for the production of barrier-free masks, and to further investigate the difficulties faced by disabled people in the untact era.

Accordingly, in cooperation with the 2020 Busan Metropolitan City Council Community Win-Win Cooperation Support Program, DSU has set up an online space purposed towards learning from surveys about the efficacy and practical usage of such masks. Dongseo University's intention is to move forward after a comprehensive process of opiniongathering from both producers and consumers.

In addition, a completed prototype of the barrier-free mask can be encountered at the Rose Festival 2020 Media Festival for the Disabled.
The festival, to be enjoyed by disabled and non-disabled alike, will be held for 3 days from November 25 to 27.
It is planned to be run both online and offline, but there is a possibility that it will be held exclusively online if necessary.

Kim Hyeong-woo, Director of the Design LINC+ project in charge of the initiative, said, “The barrier programs for community coexistence and cooperation support projects that include barrier-free musicals, independent films, plays, and works are attracting a great deal of public attention.” He added, “I look forward to producing a good work that can relieve the difficulties caused by the mask barrier.”

Meanwhile, the '2020 Media Festival for the Disabled and Centum City Barrier-Free Zone Operation' project is a part of a win-win and cooperation support project for local Busan communities. Hosted by DSU for three consecutive years, it is supported by the Busan Institute for Lifelong Education for Human Resources Development, and jointly organized and promoted by DSU, the Busan City Citizen Media Center, and the Busan Federation of Disabled People.