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[Dongseo University] Dongseo Students Win Grand Prize in Untact Video Contest

조회 1,222

2020-10-16 00:00

A team from DSU’s Department of Broadcasting and Media Studies was awarded the Grand Prize and 5 million won in prize money for their entry in the University Student Video Contest jointly hosted and organized by Lotte Home Shopping and the Korean Society for Journalism & Communication Studies.

The winning team consisted of seniors Jeong Yun-hyeok and Kim Tae-min, and freshman Lee Yu-jeong.

The purpose of the competition was to encourage novel video ideas to promote new consumption styles and methods for consumers that can be utilized by small and medium-sized businesses, which are facing particular difficulties in the untact era brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The prize-winning work, The Match-selling Girl and the Malpyeo Shoe Polish, begins on a note about alternatives to matches, and introduces the idea of selling shoe-polish instead as a catalyst to brainstorm alternative options for small and medium-sized businesses.

On winning the Grand Prize, Jeong Yun-hyeok said, “I will always treasure the memory of winning this award, especially as it is likely to be my last before I graduate. For the experience and skills gained alone, I encourage my juniors in broadcasting and media studies to likewise enter into as many contests as they can.”