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[Dongseo University] AllSUN Industry-Academic Track Platform Continues Successful Operation

조회 1,242

2020-09-17 00:00

In addition to developing a LAN-based, real-time multi-video lecture platform as part of building a future-oriented education system, DSU is further implementing remote video education by utilizing it in its In-school Field System (IFS).

The operation of this ‘Recruitment-type AllSUN IndustryAcademic Track Platform’ of the LINC+ project team is already bringing strong results in educational innovation and employment.
The Recruitment AllSUN (All Support for UNiversity) industry-academic track platform is a detailed convergence program composed of advanced major modules and comparative courses for problem-solving, with the aim of responding to the demands of industries in cultivating future talents.

Earlier, as part of this program, on March 6, 2020 DSU's LINC+ project team signed a mutual business agreement with Hyundai E&C Co., Ltd., and is now jointly operating the ‘Construction Professional Training Track.’

This specific track involves the conducting of problem-solving education with domestic and overseas sites through the IFS video system, and also promotes employment opportunities in participating companies as well as in further large domestic companies and public corporations.

Since the program began operation in the first half of 2020, a total of eight graduates received final acceptance notifications of acceptance to further employment linkage courses of Hyundai Group affiliates, while five further employment opportunities have been gained for participants in Hyundai E&C, Lotte E&C, and the Korea Facility Safety Management Corporation.
Jo Dae-su, Head of the DSU LINC+ Project Team, said, “Based on these solid achievements, we will continue to develop DSU’s future-oriented education in preparation for the post-COVID-19 era by revitalizing practical remote video education using the campus IFS space.”