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[Dongseo University] Milan Design Workshop

조회 1,312

2020-08-20 00:00

The DSU College of Design recently held the ‘2020 College of Design GDS Program-Milan International Design Workshop,’ lasting over 8 days.
As part of the Global Design Society program, this workshop was conducted under the guidance of Ico Migliore, a world-renowned architect from Italy who is also a professor in the Division of Design at our university.

One master’s student attending graduate school and 13 undergraduate students from the College of Design participated. The participating students had previously been selected through an examination of their design portfolios and self-presentations and introductions.

The workshop, which was held remotely via Zoom due to the COVID19 outbreak, proceeded smoothly through faculty and admin staff’s prior experiences of teleconferences and continued active communication with the Milan side. Based on the theme of “Cultural Outdoor Extensions,” student teams were each assigned detailed topics for their roles in the workshop. Students were able to derive various results by applying empirical designs to the environment, and, through expert feedback on their work supplied by Ico Migliore, were provided with an excellent foundation for their future development into global talents. Here is some feedback from students participating in the workshop:

Kim Ye-eun, Junior

Contrary to my early worries about the awkwardness of workshop not being conducted non-face-to-face, it was a very pleasant experience learning from Professor Migliore. Also, there were no problems with the video links and so no delays to the classes, so I was able to relax and focus on the workshop without worrying about distractions due to technical issues. Indeed, the workshop proved to be very constructive, giving me a great opportunity to learn a variety of expression methods as I made progressed on new types of projects that I had never worked on before. If I have the chance to attend the workshop again, my goal would be to work harder to ensure I again have a meaningful time with my classmates and professors based on what I learned through my projects.

Lee Ji-su, Junior

Through this DSU program and design workshop, I seem to have had a special learning experience in space design. By forming a team of seniors and juniors together, we were able to get closer, and, as people with similar goals, we were able to broaden our thoughts by exchanging views on each other’s designs. In addition, through seeing Professor Migliore’s process of continually eliciting ever more imaginative design ideas from each team, I was able to further embrace the study of design, and to practice thinking about concepts through to the end. In addition, as there are not many opportunities to communicate and speak in English in Korea, it was particularly useful and nice to be able to study English though preparing our presentations in English from start to finish. I feel that through these new experiences I gained at the workshop, I can now more easily think of various creative ideas and come up with good designs.

Kim Da-hee, Senior

“Cultural,” “outdoor,” and “extensions”: with definitions and features derived from these three abstract words, the design process was not easy. However, through meetings with the other members of my group, various ideas and opinions were exchanged, and researched materials were shared and combined to ultimately create a good team design work. I hadn’t tried designing for a short period of time prior to the workshop, so I was a little worried about my capabilities during it, but in the end I was easily able to overcome my self-doubts and concerns with the help and expertise of my professors. While we all in fact still had many shortcomings and a lot of inadequacies of course, our team members helped each other to fill in the gaps, so together we were able to complete our work without too much difficulty. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, there were time constraints however, and I was disappointed that I could not meet my famous Italian professor in person. But I still gained a great deal through participating, and I am grateful for having had the opportunity to learn so much through this online workshop.