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[Dongseo University] College of Design Students Win Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards in International Character Contents Contest

조회 1,248

2020-08-20 00:00

Dongseo University College of Design advertising-track students swept the ‘2020 International Character Contents Competition,’ with Seo Jeong-min taking the Gold Prize, Jo Ho-jeong the Silver, and Kim Bo-kyeong the Bronze.

The International Character Contents Contest, hosted by the Council of Korean Character Designers and sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism and the Korea Creative Content Agency, is a prestigious international character content design contest with a 21-year history.

For this year’s contest, DSU students submitted works produced in the advertising-track Basic Capstone Design class, and were sponsored by the DSU LINC+ project group. Kim Jeong-suk, director of the LINC+ University-Industry Education Center, said, “The award-winning character design results will be commercialized in the future and will lead to actual product sales through the online and offline Sangsangmacha (imagination wagon) service operated on campus by DSU.”

Gold Prize winner Seo Jeong-min said, “It has been an honor to win the gold prize in this international character contest. This year, due to the special situation caused by the COVID pandemic, it transpired thaI had a great deal of time to pause and reflect on my work.
In particular, I realized I wanted to take the opportunity presented to organize ideas that other adolescents and college students could feel and empathize with, such as fears about the world and anxiety about oneself, and make those the subject of my entry in the contest.” He added. “I would also like to express my gratitude once again for my incredible luck at receiving the award, and I would like to thank Division of Design Professor Ryu Do-sang as well.”