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[Dongseo university] Sixth Asia University Film Festival Successfully Completed

조회 1,199

2019-10-04 00:00

The 6th Asia University Film Festival ended on October 4. This year's festival, co-hosted by DSU and the Busan International Film Festival, featured 43 outstanding works from 23 universities in seven Asian countries, including Korea, China, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, and Kazakhstan.

The Asia University Film Festival was created by film-specializing universities to discover and nurture Asian film talents through cultural exchanges.

An additional distinguishing feature of this festival is that it is operated by many universities in Korea, China, and Japan.

Moreover, the DSU LINC+ project group organized the 2019 Asia University Film Festival in order to play a part in the further development of the "UNESCO Creative City Busan" local theme as a cultural contents project.
In the undergraduate student section, the work Shiwol, directed by Maria Haburi, and in the graduate student section, the work Death of the Thief, directed by Cheon Ming-wang, won the Gold Awards, the highest awards in each category.

Seong Ji-hye, Jury Chairperson, said of this year's festival, "The standards of students' works were exceptionally high, to the extent that I forgot that I was actually judging a student festival. I look forward to seeing students' entries at the Busan International Film Festival sometime in the future."
Winning entries in the undergraduate section also included, Driver to the End of the World by Jo Hyeon-min and Brothers by Allerman Syavanova, which took the two Silver Awards; as well as Megumi by Madoka Michioka, When the Rain Stops by Yui Yamaguchi, and Someone With Potential by Kim Seon-gyeong, which took the three Bronze Awards.

Meanwhile, in the graduate student category, the single Silver Award was awarded for The Meaning of Life by Ji Seu-wen, Jeong Jue-wen, Jang Shao-toong, and Cheong Ji-ya, and the single Bronze Award was given to Memories of Gweehwa Street by Dwan Jeu-Iee.