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[Dongseo university] Digital Contents Students Receive Special Prize Awards at the International Integrated Conference & Concert on Convergence

조회 1,005

2019-09-16 00:00

Three students from the Department of Digital Contents at DSU were selected for Special Prize Awards at the "2019 Invitational Exhibition Icon art & digital" exhibition for their entries of design posters.

The exhibition, held July 23 to 28 at Lotte Hotel in Vladivostok, Russia, was part of the wider 2019 International Integrated Conference & Concert on Convergence (IICCC) international conference.

Co-hosted by the International Promotion Agency of Culture Technology; the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication; the Society of Convergence Knowledge; and the Korean Society of Safety, the IICCC, which marks its fifth anniversary this year, is becoming firmly established as a leading international conference for promoting the study of convergence and communication among the fields of humanities, society, nature, science, engineering, and medicine.

For this year's conference, the DSU students, organized into the "Oscar Team," produced their winning works under the guidance of Department of Digital Contents Professor Choi Dong-hyeok, and under the auspices of the DSU Regional-Women Empowerment in SET (R- WeSET) project.

Upon the receipt of the Special Prize Awards, presented in a ceremony held at the Lotte Hotel in Vladivostok during the IICCCC conference, Professor Choi Dong-hyeok noted, "The students' winning of awards for their design poster entries is a reflection of the vigorous research on which they were based and the participating students' creativeness. We have further plans to integrate the entries into animations so that they can be recognized for their technical excellence and artistic value at a coming international animation film festival."
Special Prize Award: Adventure and hope by Gang Yeong-seo
"My entry, Adventure and hope, is a work that contains the characters of the short film Fair Line, which I am producing with my Oscar animation team. I felt it was a very valuable and rare experience to exhibit and win at the exhibition, and I was also glad to learn more about the possibilities for overseas participation. I thought it would be difficult to submit an entry to and participate in the IICCC conference, so I am very grateful for the assistance of the DSU R-WeSET project. I believe that the experiences I have gained will give me great confidence in the further pursuit of my major, and will be a great help in my future career too."

Special Prize Award: The Light In The Shadow by Kim Woo-jin
"I am honored to receive the Special Prize Award at the IICCC conference, which was a real reflection of everything I have learned through the classes of enthusiastic professors and many various opportunities to participate in research at DSU, and of my desire to express my consequent great interest and sense of accomplishment in my major. We all put a great deal of time and effort into our posters from their beginnings to their ends too, incorporating continuity, 3D program character and background modeling, rigging and acting, and character design in Photoshop. Yet despite all that hard work, I look forward to working on even bigger design challenges in the future."

Special Prize Award: Breaking the egg by Jeong Hee-jin
"A big thank you to DSU for having such a good program through the DSU R-WeSET project, and I was very fortunate to win an award at the IICCC conference. I major in creating animations and games, and really enjoy create such works. I will further endeavour in the future to gain a chance to be on such a winning design team again."