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[Dongseo university] DSU President Visits Vilnius at Invitation of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania

조회 1,173

2019-10-26 00:00

At the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania and Mykolas Bomeris University (MBU), a sister university of DSU, DSU President Jekuk Chang and DSU Dean for International Affairs Kenneth Han visited Vilnius, Lithuania, from October 24 to 25 to discuss international cooperation and to participate in the Pivot to Asia: Challenges and Opportunities international conference.
Hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, and opened by both the President of Lithuania and the Foreign Minister, DSU President Chang gave a presentation entitled "The World in Transition: Moving toward New Normal" at the conference. Many experts gathered at the conference to examine various ways of cooperation between Europe and Asia.

President Chang also met with A. Monkeviéius, the Lithuanian Minister of Education and Science, to discuss the possibilities for further exchange and cooperation between Lithuanian and Korean higher education institutions.

Next, President Chang visited MBU, to discuss further cooperation areas with MRU Rector Inga Zaleniene and other faculty. In addition, President Chang visited the King Sejong Institute of Vilnius, which is jointly run by both universities, and gave words of support to Lithuanian students who are learning Korean culture and the Korean language there.
President Chang remarked of his visit, "As we realize the increasing importance of Asia in the world economy and political stage, DSU occupies an invaluable position as a leader in actively pursuing higher education and cultural exchanges between Korea and Lithuania. We have made great strides since our first steps into the Baltic region in 2014, when our sister relationship with the prestigious MRU was established."