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[Dongseo university] Dongseo Students Sweep Awards at Korea Character Licensing Fair

조회 1,130

2019-07-22 00:00

Students from DSU have swept the awards at this year’s Korea Character Licensing Fair.

A total of 13 participating students received awards, including Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards.

The Korea Character Licensing Fair, which is sponsored by the Council of Korean Character Designers; the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism; and the Korea Creative Content Agency, is a prestigious international character design competition with a 20-year history.

Participating DSU students’ entries were produced as part of their AD-Root Basics Capstone Design Class, taught by Division of Design Professor Ryu Do-sang.

Director Kim Hyeong-woo, who heads the LINC project group under which the class falls said, “We will continue to commercialize the award-winning character design products and sell them online through the ‘imagination wagon’ system operated by Dongseo university.

The Korea Character Licensing Fair 2019 awards ceremony and exhibition stage was held on July 18 at the Seoul Trade Fair (COEX).

Gold Award winner Jeong Yoon-hwan said, “I am honored to have received the gold award in the national Korean character category of the contest. I am very grateful for being given the opportunity to participate and all the hard work and feedback from my professors I received to get here, and I look forward to applying what I have learned when I return to DSU.”