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[Dongseo university] National Economics University Students Experience Korean Culture Discovery Program at DSU

조회 1,176

2019-07-10 00:00

Students from National Economics University (NEU), located in Hanoi, Vietnam, undertook a short training and Korean cultural discovery program at DSU.

The participating group included 21 students, led by two professors. The group arrived on July 7, underwent the program from July 8 to 12, and returned to Vietnam on July 13.

In the mornings, the 21 students attended special lectures on Korean language, culture, management, IT, economics, and digital contents, taught by DSU professors Seo Jin-taek, Lee Eun-mi, Lee Yeong-shil, and Turangti Kim-anh. In the afternoons, students experienced the DSU campuses and student life, and visited various cultural, historical, and tourist attractions in Busan, including Busan Museum, UN Memorial Cemetery, the International Market, Yongdusan Park and Busan Tower, and Haedong Yonggung Temple.

The Korean Culture Discovery Program was prepared in response to the rapidly growing passion for and interest in Korea by Vietnamese university students, many of whom wish to experience Korean education and culture in person even if only short visits are possible.

Dongseo University and NEU signed an academic exchange agreement in June 2015, followed by a joint education curriculum agreement in June 2016.