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[Dongseo university] Participating in an Overseas University Exchange Program

조회 1,130

2019-07-24 00:00

Jeon Yoo-jeong, a junior majoring in International Logistics, gives his impressions of his trip under an Overseas University Exchange Program:

On July 9, I visited Japan for two nights and three days to give a presentation in a seminar that was part of the Overseas University Exchange Program involving DSU, the Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT), and Doshisha University (Dodai).
The purpose of the seminar was to give Korean and Japanese students opportunities to meet and to present and discuss the materials they have been working on.

Following our arrival at Osaka’s Kansai airport, we travelled by train to Kyoto.
My first impression of the Japanese universities was that their campuses were large and well-organized.

When students there were not attending classes, I could see them actively engaging in a wide variety of sports and club activities.

In the seminar, our group presented material that we had spent over a month preparing. The theme of our presentation was ‘The Low Sulphur Oil of IMO 2020.’

The term “IMO 2020” refers to the sulphur oxide content regulation to be implemented by the International Maritime Organization on January 1, 2020.

I was worried and nervous before the presentation, but in the end it went smoothly.
I was proud that we could present the materials we had prepared, and that our all our hard work ensured that we made no mistakes in front of our interested and attentive Japanese hosts.

Other topics covered by Korean students included the Asian shipping market and shipping companies’ management strategies, employment policies for the elderly in Korea, factors behind the success of the Korean Wave, and economic development plans.

The participating Japanese students presented on the history of Korean dramas, beauty-products, and music coming to Japan, as well as traditional Japanese culture such as the kimono and sake.

Moreover, all the Japanese students took a very active interest in the seminars, asking many questions.

It wasn’t all work, however. At KIT, we all met in an izakaya downtown, which is like an informal Japanese pub, while at Dodai we had meetings in front of the cafeteria.
There were also Chinese students studying at KIT and Dodai who participated, and, even though we had some communication difficulties, we all made sure to exchange contact information to pursue our shared interests together in the future.
The exchange program I participated in was especially meaningful to me.

I am very grateful to DSU and my professors, and will work even harder to gain a second chance to participate in the program.