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[Dongseo university] Department of International Logistics Selected for 2019 Busan Strategic Industry Customized Human Resource Development Project

조회 1,182

2019-04-01 00:00

The Graduate School of International and Logistics Studies at DSU has been selected as the recipient of the 2019 Busan Strategic Industry Customized Human Resource Development Project, sponsored by the Busan Institute for Talent & Lifelong Education.

Under the auspices of this project, the graduate school will run a “Smart Logistics Specialist Human Resource Development Team Leading the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution” headed by Professor Han Cheol-hwan, Dean of the Global Business University.

The purpose of this project is to enhance the capacity of human resources in the region and to solve young people’s difficulties in securing employment by providing them with tailor-made education relevant to strategic industries’ needs. Of the 14 project teams that applied this year in Busan, Five were ultimately selected, with DSU being the only one in the international logistics sector.

In addition to the theoretical training that will be received on such digital innovation technologies as big data, block chain, and artificial intelligence, all of which are crucial to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the project team is invited to participate in both theoretical and practical work through field trips in Korea and overseas, all to better cultivate and develop smart logistics specialists increasingly demanded by the Busan logistics industry.

Professor Han Cheol-hwan also added, “Two additional projects DSU’s International Logistics major is involved in are the International Exchange and Cooperation Project and the Industry-University Linkages Project, both of which are supported by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. The department’s involvement in such projects is a solid pillar upon which it continues to grow and develop.”