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Dongseo University Publicity Video Produced by International Students

조회 1,653

2019-04-17 00:00

Three international students studying in the Department of Digital Contents have joined together to produce the video Aim Higher with Dongseo University,* which promotes DSU and highlights the attractions of studying and living here.

Advised by Professor Bang Hong-sik, the three students are Markus Magnússon from Iceland, Vazhko Vladislav from Belarus, and Vazhko Greta from Lithuania.

All three are students of Mykolas Romeris University, studying at DSU as part of its 2+2 Agreement with DSU. In the video, Markus Magnússon features as the main character directly introducing DSU and Busan. Various dramatic shooting, special effects, and editing techniques are used to capture the beautiful campuses of DSU, to portray DSU’s lively campus life, and to present the attractions for young people of studying in Busan.

The video will be publicized by Mykolas Romeris University and will help further promote DSU to prospective exchange students there.
*The video can be viewed at