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[Dongseo university] International Youth Leader Exchange Project Enhances Students’Global Capabilities

조회 1,248

2019-03-29 00:00

Dongseo University has been chosen as one of 15 universities to run the 2019 International Youth Exchange Support Project hosted by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family and the Korea Youth Work Agency.

Other universities selected to run the project this year include Konkuk University Global Campus, Chungnam National University, and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.

The International Youth Leaders Exchange Support Project is an initiative designed to support interchange activities among multinational college students in order to enhance their global capabilities and deepen their understanding of Korean culture, history, and industry.

Dongseo University is conducting this program under the themes of "Busan: The Asian Hub,” and “The Dreams of a Global Youth.” A total of 100 people are participating, comprising of 50 Korean and 50 international students currently attending the university.

Participating students experience hands-on, project-based programs that utilize the educational infrastructure, industry-academia network, and professional labor force of the Busan area's global corporations and industries, as well as taking full advantage of the wide range of specialized expertise available from the DSU faculty.

College of Global Business Professor and Dean of International Affairs Hahn Kyong-ho further added about the project, “We intend to contribute to the enhancement of the industrial and national brand image of the Busan area by strengthening exchanges and teamwork among both Korean and international students through various programs such as lodging tours and cultural experiences.”