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[Dongseo university] Sino-Korean School of MultimediaDesign Marks 13th Graduation Ceremony

조회 1,232

2019-04-25 00:00

On April 24, the 13th Graduation Ceremony of the Sino-Korean School of Multimedia Design was held at the Shanghai University of Engineering Science (SUES).

From DSU, the graduation ceremony was attended by President Jekuk Chang, Dean of International Affairs Han Kyeong-ho, and Professors Kim Jong-gi, Lee Byeong-gook, and Kim Dong-hyeon. Attending on the Chinese side from SUES were President Wang Yansong and Dean of International Affairs Jeon Hye-min.

The Sino-Korean School of Multimedia Design was cofounded in 2003 by DSU and SUES.

Through a shared 3+1 program in which participants study for three years inChina and one year in Korea, more than 800 SUES students have been educated at DSU, with 35 students graduating this year.

While studying at DSU for a year, Chinese students have gained knowledge and skills in media facade, interactive video, augmented reality, and virtual reality, and have been trained to combine them with the field of design.
At the graduation ceremony, DSU President Chang gave the following advice to graduating students, "In the Fourth Industrial Age, the most important talent for designers is creativity. You have to develop your creativity through various experiences and reading. I am sure you will all have great talent as designers based on what you have learned at both universities."
Following the graduation ceremony, the Sino-Korean School of Multimedia Design hosted an exhibition under the theme of "Tradition and Future."

The Sino-Korean School of Multimedia Design also resolved to start several new projects in Shanghai, following a great number of resolutions and developments resulting from the board of directors meeting attended by representatives from both universities.