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Jekuk Chang Inaugurated as Ninth President of Dongseo University

조회 1,371

2019-02-19 00:00

The inauguration ceremony of Jekuk Chang, the 9th President of DSU, was held at the Sohyang Art Hall on February 19.

In attendance to honor and congratulate the President were Park Dong soon, Dongseo Educational Foundation Chancellor; Jang Chae-won, National Assemblyperson; Chu Man-sok, Kyungnam College of Information & Technology President;
Yang Sang-baek, Busan Digital University President; as well as DSU faculty and staff.

In his inaugural address, President Chang outlined the "VISION 2030" blueprint for DSU’s future that has been developed over the past four years: "A cornerstone of our university’s policies, VISION 2030 has the aspirations to build upon its foundations laid over the last four years and further develop DSU as a future university and make it a truly prestigious institution of higher education.

While in the end, it will fundamentally alter both the 'software’ and ’hardware’ of DSU, our commitment to its successful completion in 2030 is unwavering and will survive any external obstacles thrown in its way, like Noah's Ark.

While there are five practical elements to VISION 2030, they are all centered on the themes of change and innovation.
In implementing these elements, our first task and commitment is to transform our university education programs until they are not just among the most innovative in Korea, but on a par with those of the world s leading universities."

In this regard, President Chang continued, "This period of being on the cutting-edge of education is a great opportunity for everyone at DSU. But we can only take advantage of that opportunity if we walk a different path from traditional universities of the past."

The second task mentioned was the even greater globalization of DSU. In this regard, campuses have already been established in the United States and China, as well as educational cooperation and exchange agreements with more than 80 universities around the world.

Also outlined were practical issues such as improvements made in faculty and students' satisfaction with DSU, the advancements made in the university management system, and an outline of how DSU makes great contributions to its local community.

President Chang further continued, "Like Cornell University in the United States, a globalized DSU is not just for this generation, but an institution to bequeath to our descendants. To bless them with such a gift, I shall endeavour to put down the solid roots needed for DSU’s continued globalization and growth."

He added that if all members of the DSU family united in a "Yes, we can" attitude and also continued to fulfil the visions of the DSU founder, then this effort would be successful.

In his inaugural address, President Chang also recalled and paid tribute to the many years of accomplishments of his predecessors. Thanks to the sterling leadership of previous presidents, he noted, DSUs entrance examination competition rate and graduate employment rates are the highest among private universities in the region, and every year its reputation among industry is consistently the highest among four-year universities nationwide.

The inauguration ceremony consisted of an inauguration prayer service, the taking of oaths, the passing of the flag, Present Changs inaugural address, a round of congratulations, the presenting of bouquets, and finally a musical performance.